Public libraries need our help.

Book bans and censorship are on the rise. Even some liberal politicians are proposing funding cuts instead of increases for libraries.

We all love libraries, and we all love reading - but that’s not enough. It’s essential that more leftists become involved in their local libraries. We’re being out-organized by a right-wing movement that’s focused on taking over public institutions to privatize & weaken them.

We on the Left(s) must focus on strengthening and expanding public institutions that we value. 

That means stepping up in our local communities and taking action in the places that decisions are made. Each local public library is governed by a library board, although specific structures vary from system to system. If we want to defend public libraries, we need to find out how power works where we live, and start showing up.

Are you ready to join us as a Library Defender?





This National Library week, join the fight against censorship by taking ACTION.

We all know that the vast majority of Americans support public libraries and the freedom to read.

But we’re being out-organized by a small minority of people on the Right who are banning books, defunding libraries, and limiting access to services. If we want to make a difference, we need to be in the rooms where it’s happening - and we’re here to help you.

  1. Find out when your local school and/or library board meets.

  2. Commit to attending AT LEAST 3 meetings in 2024.

  3. Use our Board Watcher Bingo card while attending the meetings.

  4. Who funds your local library system? Advocate to INCREASE and EXPAND funding for public libraries. Oppose all cuts!

  5. Run for or seek appointment to your local school and/or library board. Join our upcoming candidate cohort!

  6. Tell us about it! Fill out this form to tell us the actions you’ve committed to (the first ten folks to do so will get a small gift mailed to them from us!)

This week, commit to taking specific actions to show up for your local public library.


For The People is assembling a second cohort of candidates who are ready to run for a library board seat or seek appointment, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Our cohort will receive 12 weeks of training in three 4-week sections. You’ll learn how to run for office, identify and pursue an appointment, and govern effectively as a leftist library board trustee. This cohort is aimed at candidates who are on track to run or seek appointment between January 1, 2025, and March 15, 2026.

If you’re interested in running but not quite ready yet (or if your race is later than 3/15/25), stay tuned for our next cohort. Congratulations to everyone in our 2024 Cohort: you are all amazing!

To apply for the 2025 Cohort, complete our online application here—and congratulations on taking a huge step to defend public libraries!


We’re getting organized to help folks run for - and win - seats on their local library boards. But this project is bigger than just elections. Maybe you’re getting ready to run, or maybe you want to support someone who is running. Or maybe you’re not sure elected office is for you, but you want to get more involved in helping protect and expand public libraries in your community by volunteering your skills.

Yes to all that: fill out our form and tell us how you want to participate.


  • Learn the story of how America’s public libraries came to be, and their uneven history of serving all who need them. Learn More >

  • Take a deep dive into the scholarship around the history of libraries in America, and the structural inequalities that have always been part of that legacy. Learn More >

  • From BookRiot: If you’re looking for an anti-censorship group to get involved with, you’re in luck. There are dozens across the country, with more popping up all of the time. Learn More >

CityLab’s visual storyteller Ariel Aberg-Riger shares the story of how America’s public libraries came to be, and their uneven history of serving all who need them. Via Bloomberg.

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